ma-Red space – (2020)
Kajiura Norio

1951: KAJIURA, Norio was born in Okayama.
1970: Entered Tokyo University of the Arts. He studied in Vienna National Art University Sculpture Course in the 1980s. He had stayed in Vienna, Austria and was active as an artist there.
ma – red space – (2020)
He incepted an image of a house for this work. The word “ma” in the title indicates the concept of space, and it is also a Japanese unit of measurement of construction that has been used since ancient times.
The color red is also the color of prayer for Japanese, and this technique of securing clean-cut in-between space/margin is also very Japanese, which modern and contemporary Western artists have favored and used frequently.
For Mr. Kajiura, who has been successful in Europe for many years, exhibiting his works in the garden of a Zen temple, the most Japanese in its nature, is a great opportunity to showcase an awe-inspiring “ma” which harmonizes with his refined sense of beauty.

ma-Red space – (2020)